Good governance begins with a strong foundation.
PDA University is pleased to offer our members various courses focused on preparing and educating board directors on good governance practices. A current listing of PDA University course offerings is below.

The Private Directors Association® (PDA) and the National Center for Employee Ownership (NCEO) have partnered to produce this entry-level course for would-be and first-time ESOP board directors and company owners considering an Employee Stock Ownership Plan. The course is self-paced and contains video, print, and quiz components. You should expect to spend 10-12 hours to gain lasting value. Participants who complete all course elements and earn a passing grade in the knowledge check will have earned a PDA digital ESOP Governance Essentials badge.
The most effective board directors are committed to developing a deep and expansive understanding of their role. This commitment is supported by the Private Directors Association® Certificate in Private Company Governance. We encourage all members to take advantage of this exclusive PDA benefit during our winter session that will take place at the start of the new year.

A baseline education in independent director duties and an overview of different types of private company structures. Self-paced and interactive governance learning for serving and would-be private company directors.
This PDA University podcast series is filled with insightful and dynamic conversations between leading private company directors Deb Boyda and Venita Fields with ESG thought leader and practitioner Art Stewart. Enjoy the five-part series as private company directors explore new options and imperatives with a long-time expert in corporate integrity practices. Click the image below or title above to access the podcasts.

Enjoy the five-part series as private company directors explore new options and imperatives with a long-time expert in corporate integrity practices.